2024年06月13日 (木)

Well, I didn't get the job.

I can't say I'm not disappointed, but I suppose this was expected in a way. Nobody seems to be interested in hiring me.

Which is really disappointing because I am desperate to get away from the job I'm currently in.

I guess it would be pointless to give up hope now, however. There are always other options I suppose.

I guess I just need to keep trying? Someone is bound to hire me eventually, right? I mean, I would hope so anyway.

I do really wish it would've been this place, but I won't give up the search.

I'll get out at some point. This just wasn't meant to be.

2024年06月11日 (火)

My interview was today! I think it went well, but I can't be sure.

I should find out tomorrow if I got a position. I'm worried and excited at the same time.

It would make me so happy if I could just get this job. If things could just happen to line up properly this time. I've wanted to work there for a long time.

I've been more interested in working with either plants or fashion for a long time now and I didn't actually think a position would open up at the specific place I wanted to work.

All I can really do now is hope for the best, I suppose.

2024年06月06日 (木)

I have an interview for a job lined up! One I've wanted for a little while now.

I'm really hoping it'll pan out. If I could get away from where I am and into something I want to be doing... Well, I really don't know what I'd do with myself, but I think I'd be pretty happy.

I also started dating the guy I've had a crush on for a few years recently! I don't think I've been so happy and hopeful in quite some time...

I'm really hoping this is somewhat of a turning point in my life. A series of events that will set me up for a better future and a more hopeful present.

I'm hoping the summer really will hold good things for me this year.

☆ ★ This blog is updated irregularly! ★ ☆